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How to Design Facebook Ads that Convert

How to Design Facebook Ads that Convert_blog image

Facebook ads across all industries have an average conversion rate of 9.21%, with percentages going as high as 14.29% for the fitness industry. There is no doubt as to how effective the platform can be for advertising.

To optimize your conversion rates for your next Facebook ad campaigns, here are our Facebook ad best practices that you can follow:

1. The Format is the Foundation

Facebook has eight ad formats with distinct qualities that you have to take into account before you even start designing your ad. For simple and straight-to-the-point ads:

  • Photo โ€” A traditional format where you have one static image accompanied by a short ad copy. It encourages impactful visuals and text with its restrictions.
  • Messenger โ€” Reach your target audience directly with such ads that start conversations with Messenger users. 
Source: Karol Karlson

For ads that provide choice and more information:

  • Carousel โ€” Showcase a gallery of up to 10 images or videos that have individual links to their own pages.
  • Collection โ€” Think of it as a visual catalogue where users can click on individual products for more info.
  • Slideshow โ€” Create clips with motion, images, and sound that use up less data. You can pack a lot into this lightweight package.
Source: Klient Boost

For highly engaging ads with a premium touch:

  • Video โ€” You can have short ads that only last seconds or minutes, with full-blown video productions or a collection of high-quality pictures playing automatically.
  • Stories โ€” Immersive content is the name of the game with Stories, providing a total brand experience.
  • Playables โ€” These are basically demos for games or apps. Perfect for selling such products.
Source: Design Buffs

Choose the format that best delivers the message you want to send with the resources you have. 

2. Microtargeting is a Must

Facebook has access to a treasure trove of data on its users and uses that to show them relevant ads. Take advantage of this when setting up your advertising campaigns. You can create campaigns that target demographics and niches to a surprisingly specific degree. 

Since you can narrow down multiple Facebook ad campaigns to reach certain audiences, you can tailor every ad you make to match the people that see them. The more you customize your ads based on your target audienceโ€™s lifestyles, interests, and locations, the more youโ€™ll increase Facebook ad conversions.

3. Offer Value Front and Center

Your ad only has about 1.7 seconds of attention from the average Facebook user. Make the most out of it by letting them know exactly what your ad is selling loud and clear. Whether itโ€™s a limited-time sale or a pain point that your product addresses, your ad should lead eyes towards that offer.

Use straightforward language with your value proposition. The font should be instantly readable. Keep the copy short for maximum impact. Make the text pop with colors that contrast and complement the background. 

A brief call-to-action to end your ad gives users a concrete step to take, such as placing an order or learning more about a service. Donโ€™t muddle the message with multiple offers or CTAs.

4. Pick the Best Visuals

Make a great first impression with high-quality images. They also have a better chance of catching peopleโ€™s attention than cheap-looking pictures. 

Show off your products in the best light with high-res photos. Humans showing positive emotions are also great for grabbing attention, as people are naturally drawn to faces. Stock photos can also be good if youโ€™re limited on resources, and you can edit them to better suit your design goals.

Dimensions are also important considerations for the type of ad you use, so follow Facebookโ€™s image guidelines.

5. Consistency with Landing Pages is Key

Facebook ad design goes beyond the ad itself. Just because you get users to click on your ad doesnโ€™t mean they will actually convert into sales or subscriptions. If they get taken to a landing page that doesnโ€™t look like the ad that they clicked on, chances are high that they will leave immediately. 

Reassure users that theyโ€™ve come to the right place by maintaining design consistency between your ads and landing pages. The color scheme, image layout, ad copy, and most importantly, the offer, should be similar. 

6. Split Test Your Ads

Regardless of how many hours you spent creating your ads, if they do not give you your desired conversions, then that means your ads didn’t work for your audience. But what did you do wrong? A/B testing takes the guesswork out of your campaigns. You’ll find out which ad version works best and what went wrong with previous versions, whether that’s the format, copy, or the offer itself.

Fortunately, Facebook itself provided several ways you can create an A/B test which you can find here.

Facebook Ad Design is a Layered Process

Learning how to design Facebook ads that convert requires a holistic vision. You need to put in as much effort in the before and after stages as you would in the actual development of the ad. Consideration of the format, audience data, and the landing page is just as important as applying creativity in your visuals and copy.

Streamline the entire process and minimize your Facebook ad campaign workload with the help of Design Force. Our expert designers apply Facebook ad design best practices while staying true to your brand guidelines, so you only have to worry about your overall campaign strategy. Let us know what your design needs are today.

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