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25 Web Design Statistics Every Business Owner Should Know

web design statistics 2021

Web design facts to know before you start designing

Are you making the most of your web design to attract and convert your audience?

Your website is a place where customers come to find out about your brand, contact you, or purchase from you. Six out of ten consumers say that they expect online content from brands, and over 50% will head straight to your website to find out more about you.

For your customers to understand your company and ultimately decide to spend their hard-earned cash, the design of your website and digital spaces is vital. 

Great web design = customer engagement = higher conversion.

That said, weโ€™ve pulled together 25 fun facts about web design to guide you in building a successful website for your business. 

Website design visual statistics

  1. It only takes 50 milliseconds for someone to decide whether they like a website or not. If your website doesnโ€™t give off a good first impression, youโ€™ll lose potential customers. Source
  1. If a website is unattractive – thatโ€™s content and/or layout – 38% will stop engaging with it. This is why investing in strong UI design is so important, and why weโ€™ve brought on a team of world-class UI designers to support our clients. (Want to be one of them? Find out more here.) Source
  1. 94% of website first impressions are design-related, with elements like poor layout, busyness, pop ups, small print and too much text making the list of negative assets. Source
  1. Strong visual design leads to higher website useability rates and longer page sessions. Source
  1. 75% base a website’s credibility solely on its overall design. Donโ€™t scrimp on the small stuff, the unique details can make all the difference. Source

User experience in web design statistics

  1. 88% of consumers are less likely to come back to a website if theyโ€™ve had a bad user experience. Consider the user journey on your website. Is it clear what the customer needs to do to complete the action, e.g. checkout or sign up? Source
  1. Many websites are still missing key details: 51% stated that โ€œthorough contact informationโ€ was the most important asset missing on a website. This is vital information! Make sure itโ€™s as easy as possible to contact you, it gives you credibility and makes you more trustworthy. Source
  1. Following on from above, once on a homepage, 64% want to be able to see the companyโ€™s contact information, and 86% want to see product/services right there on the page. Source
  1. Google prioritizes responsive websites, and has done since 2017. Source (via Google)
  1. The experience consumers have with a brand is just as important as the quality of what the brand sells, according to 85% of B2B and 79% of B2C users. And a website is one of the first experiences a potential customer will have with a brand. This is where designing with quality UX comes to play. If youโ€™re unsure where to start with UX, consider outsourcing to a world-class team. (Like Design Force.) Source

Mobile-first web design statistics

  1. Mobile-responsiveness remains a key priority for designing for web, as 13% of adults access the internet solely by mobile, compared to 11% who only ever use a desktop to get online. Source (via ComScore)
  1. If a potential customer lands on a website after finding it through search, if itโ€™s not optimized for mobile, 40% will leave and opt to head back to the search engine to choose another link. Source (via iAquire)
  1. Best practice for mobile web loading speed (Average Speed Index) is less than 3 seconds, with the lower the better. Source
  1. When it comes to website traffic, over 50% comes from smartphones. Thatโ€™s why itโ€™s vital to design with mobile in mind. Are your fonts legible on small screens? Source
  1. When it comes to web design trends, the most successful web designers are incorporating flat design (that focuses on minimal, color and typography) the most (88.5%), followed by expressive typography (61.5%) then broken grid layouts (38.5%). Source
  1. The most common web design mistake made by small and midsize businesses is an overcrowded web page, as decided by 84.6% of top level designers from around the world. Keep it simple, too much text, images and/or ads will put visitors off. Source
  1. Make your logo clickable. 36% of people will click a logo to return to the homepage, so make use of this design element and make navigation simpler. Source via web design statistics

Additional web design statistics to consider

  1. Increasing site speed from 8 to 2 seconds can boost conversion rate by a whopping 74%. Source
  1. Have you considered voice search capabilities in your web design? 38% of consumers say they are interested in a voice assistant (like Siri). Source
  1. 80% of those that visit a website spend more time looking at the left hand side of your web page (on desktop), compared to the right hand side. How are you utilizing that space? Source
  1. The far left of a successful web page should be used for navigation, priority content front and centre, and secondary content to the right. This is based on natural viewing patterns with Western left-to-right reading habits. Source
  1. 85% of customers will trust reviews and/or testimonials about a company as much as personal recommendations, so itโ€™s good practice to include these in the design of your business website. 
  1. Compared to before the pandemic, 62% of U.S. shoppers say they shop more online now. If your business doesnโ€™t have a website, now is the time to invest in a flexible, affordable subscription plan to access a team of world class web designers. Source 
  1. To buy basic items, 14% of consumers are turning to websites theyโ€™ve never previously visited, proving thereโ€™s always space for new businesses online. Source via Adobe
  1. Post-COVID-19, 68% of consumers say that they have much higher expectations for businessesโ€™ digital capabilities. Suggesting that if your website is not up to scratch, youโ€™ll lose out on golden opportunities to convert. Source

Which web design statistics did you discover?

If you need to uplevel your web design but need additional support, Design Forceโ€™s team of world-class designers can be on hand in just one day. Get in touch to find out how we can deliver beautiful and functional web design to make your business a step above the rest.

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