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UFC Gym: Train different

2020 - Present

UFC Gym: Train



Train different

Train different


Group 28755



Social Media & Marketing



2020 - Present


Train different

UFC GYM was founded in 2009 as the first major brand extension of premium global sports brand and premier MMA organization, UFC®. A close partnership continues, ensuring cutting-edge training techniques are accessible through UFC GYM programming.

Design Force partnered with UFC GYM on their digital transformation, which is translated to social media, window graphics, gym signages, gifs, motion graphics, posters, and banners.

UFC GYM assets were created with Figma, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, and Adobe Indesign

Communication between the teams were done via Monday and Gmail.

ufc gym collage
ufc gym running

A More Cost Effective,
Streamlined System

A More Cost Effective,
Streamlined System


Search, Interview, Training and

how design force differs from in-house designers and freelancers


From task kick-off to delivery

how design force differs from in-house designers and freelancers


Back and forth communication

how design force differs from in-house designers and freelancers


how design force differs from in-house designers and freelancers

Design Management Time Allotment

how design force differs from in-house designers and freelancers
Rectangle 323


Time Saved in Hours


By cutting the time spent on coordinating with multiple designers, UFC Gym was able to save 64,200 hours with Design Force.

The newfound time was spent on optimizing their campaign strategy.

Money Saved


They used Full Force Plan that amounts to $$$ in a time frame (specify if per week, per month, or other time frame)

Improved Campaign Results


UFC Gyms has been able to raise our Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. 

Increased Sales

Metric here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Badge logo

“Fast delivery time and high quality.

“Fast delivery time and high quality.

The advantages of having a full-time designer in-house while only working part-time. Their fast delivery and quality inspire confidence in their work.”

The advantages of having a full-time designer in-house while only working part-time. Their fast delivery and quality inspire confidence in their work.”

will goto

Will Goto

UFC Gyms Marketing Manager

will goto

Will Goto

UFC Gyms Marketing Manager

Meet your team tomorrow

Start producing stunning, efficient design work without the hassles of hiring.

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Terms and Conditions

When you register for the trial project, Design Force will offer 2.5 design hours for free to provide any of the included services: social media graphics, email graphics, basic illustration, banner ad design, poster design, basic infographics, or powerpoint presentation enhancement.