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โ€œThink More, Design Lessโ€: Our 2023 Design Resolutions


Don Norman, digital breaks and leaning into the design processโ€ฆ Hereโ€™s what weโ€™re focusing on this year

As we wave goodbye to 2022; the year that brought us experimental fonts, a much-needed surge towards sustainable design, and the boom of short-form video; weโ€™re feeling energized.

The new year for many brings a chance to reset. To reflect on the year gone, and make tweaks and changes to continue improving.

But what do designers desire for the year ahead? We asked 4 of Design Forceโ€™s very own to give us the inside scoop on where theyโ€™re focusing their design direction in 2023.

4 New Yearโ€™s resolutions graphic designers and design leaders have, to inspire your own creative process

Find balance in design projects and make the time to experiment 

Experimentation within design is key to innovation and originality. Nothing changes if nothing changes, right? 

Automation and constant learning are tools to hone, month in, month out, and for our Creative Director Nicollo, carving time to grow creatively is a top priority.


This 2023, I’d like to focus my time and energy on the things that will make the most difference in the quality of work we produce as a team. 

I would like to find balance in the design projects I work on, managing and facilitating the processes within the team. I’ll try to set more time for experimenting and learning new design styles to grow creatively in my craft and try to find more ways to automate some of the process-related work.


Nicollo Garcia, Creative Director, Philippines

Improve digital experiences by embracing cognitive theory to discover what makes people tick 

Design is so much more than making things look beautiful. In fact, strategy and science can make a design more successful than one designed only with aesthetics in mind. 

For Creative Director Sheena, intelligent design starts with hitting the books. Will you join her in her challenge to read Don Normanโ€™s entire collection?


I’ve been reading books about consciousness and cognitive theories this year. I figured some thought processes influence how humans behave and approach daily interactions, including digital experiences. So this 2023, I think I can be a better designer if I ground all my design solutions in this type of research. 

I will also include more design books in my readings, and maybe to make it fun, I’ll do a Don Norman books challenge wherein I’ll try to read all his books next year? I don’t know, something like that!


Sheena Villeta, Creative Director, Philippines

See designs more clearly by stepping away from the screen  

We know more than ever now that decreasing our screen time is beneficial to our health, but itโ€™s not always easy โ€“especially if youโ€™re a digital designer that needs to be on-screen for work.

Graphic Designer Mabel has made a pact to step away throughout the day, to relax her mind and help spot any pesky mishaps.


Taking breaks in between my work will be a great one to practice, and it will help me see things more clearly. 

When I say break, I do not mean the kind of rest where you hop onto your phone and scroll through social media or watch TV, but to get yourself out of your space and walk around. 

Take more breaks from all digital screens to relax the mind and come back with a fresh pair of eyes. It also helps boost creative juices and gain the clarity to spot flaws in your initial work. I highly recommend everyone try it out next year!


Mabel Lee, Graphic Designer, Malaysia

Design Manager Augustin is also looking to benefit from time away from his usual desk, to gain new perspectives and give his creativity a boost.


I want 2023 not to be just different but better and more inspiring and creative. I plan to work remotely in different settings to absorb different sceneries, vistas, cultural backgrounds and to incorporate that subtly into my thinking process. 

Great improvements are baked first in the subconscious.


Agustin Biani, Design Manager, Argentina

Focus on the design process, not the execution

Have you ever heard of the phrase โ€œItโ€™s about the journey, not the destinationโ€? Itโ€™s been paraphrased by many, but it rings true in the design world, too. 

High-quality design is a process. It often takes many iterations, revisions and experiments to land on a direction that ticks all the boxes. 

For Dom, our Motion Graphic Designer, his resolution is to spend more time ideating to enrich his work with meaning. 


Ellen Lupton said, ‘Think more, design less.’ I want to remind myself of that quote more because, most of the time, I often focus on the execution rather than the process. 

I realized that I could make something visually impressive but it could literally mean nothing. Recently, I learned the importance of ideating and leaning into the process to further enrich my design. 

Once I start animating in After Effects, most of the hard work is already done. I noticed that some of my best works are created with that thinking.


Dom Chua, Motion Graphic Designer, Philippines

Learn, learn, and learn some more

Design is a skill that takes constant refinement, practice and enjoyment. But thatโ€™s what makes it so great, right? 

For our UI lead, Elaizah, this year is all about gaining and sharing knowledge while finding that elusive work-life balance.


I love that my work gives me the possibility to learn something absolutely new all the time. Working with Design Force alongside other amazing professional creatives motivates me to develop and strengthen my skills. 

In 2023, I plan to dedicate time to reflect and write down the things Iโ€™m learning about design thinking and leadership, as I strive to share my knowledge to my team and other designers. 

Being a designer is never-ending growth and development and thatโ€™s what I appreciate the most. Finding work-life balance is also in my top priority list next year. Cheers to a new beginning!


Elaizah Miranda, UI Lead, Philippines

Can you relate to any of the resolutions from our team of designers? Whatever your 2023 goals are, remember to take a moment to reflect, step back from the screen from time to time, and enjoy the process. Creativity is a journey to be savored!

If youโ€™re considering outsourcing design work as part of your 2023 marketing or design strategy, these 4 creatives, as well as many more vetted and highly skilled designers, can be on hand in just one day with our flexible subscription.

Weโ€™ll help you harness that new year energy so you can scale up your output with no risk.

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